Net Neutrality: Will it Affect YOU?

If you’ve been anywhere near the internet in the last few weeks, you’ve likely heard the term, ‘Net Neutrality‘ being thrown around. Now, I’m not going to cause a fuss if you just looked at your computer screen in absolute bemusement. You’re either thinking, “what on earth is net neutrality,” or “why the hell do I care?”. Well, if you’re reading this from the comfort of Europe, you’re somewhat forgiven. However, if you’re reading this from the good ol’ United States, begin to care; your internet browsing freedom is at risk!

What is Net Neutrality?

Net Neutrality may sound dull, but it concerns us all! Till Sommer from the UK’s Internet Service Providers Association stated to Sky News that, in the UK, “we have strong standards backed up by regulations and we have a highly competitive broadband market that allows consumers to switch and choose the provider that best meets their needs” (Sky News, 2017), but if those standards and regulations were to be stripped away, we would be at the behest of the ISPs and their greedy decisions. In short, ‘Net Neutrality’ stops ISP providers from putting pay walls and regulations in front of certain content. These Net Neutrality laws “prohibit Internet providers from blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization—”fast lanes” for sites that pay, and slow lanes for everyone else.” (, 2017)


Here in the UK, we are currently protected by EU laws. “The net neutrality principle is active in British law courtesy of the European Union’s Regulation on Open Internet Access, although the UK already had a voluntary system before this.” (Sky News, 2017). However, with the imminent departing of the UK from the EU, these EU laws will no longer play into the UK’s protection. And will we retain the UK’s “voluntary” Net Neutrality standards? If the implementation of Teresa May’s ‘Draft Communication Bill‘, otherwise known as the ‘Snoopers Charter’, is anything to go by, our safety and our choices are not necessarily guaranteed.

Currently, in the US, companies such as Reddit, Netflix and and Amazon, are rampantly protesting against the FCC; the government’s regulatory standards board for communications.  The FCC is proposing legislations that will involve the gutting and decimation of Net Neutrality standards in the US, leaving the gates wide open for the ISP’s to claw their way in and gain control of internet accessibility and freedom.

These US ISPs, Comcast, Verizon, Time Warner and AT&T, have promised to be on their best behavior, but can these companies be trusted? Considering the FCC is ruled by various lobbyists and money hungry scoundrels, it becomes increasingly difficult to trust these promises, and Tali Arbel, for the Washington post, seems to hold this same disbelief, stating “Some critics don’t put much weight on those promises, noting that many providers have previously used their networks to disadvantage rivals.” (The Washington Post, 2017).

How can I help?

As a UK citizen, I feel somewhat powerless in this process. I am a secondary cog in a veritably US driven machine of industry. Though this destruction of Net Neutrality doesn’t affect me as of right now, I have no promise or assurance that it won’t affect me in the future. I await the wheels of capitalism.



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